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Haddon- Y5 and 6

Welcome to Haddon's class page! Please find attached information about our timetable, upcoming events, curriculum information and ways you can support your child at home.

As always, please feel free to e-mail school or speak with the class teacher if you have any questions, concerns or queries.



Class teacher- Mrs Donovan



Curriculum information

See 'curriculum information' for our long term planning and details of subject specific coverage. Please see attached PDF 'curriculum newsletter' for details of your child's learning this term.


Dates to remember/ upcoming events

Mondays and Thursdays- PE (children should come to school wearing PE kit)

Thursdays- Forest school (PE kit and clothing appropriate for the weather- warm coat/ sun hat)

Y6 SATs week- WC 13th May


Supporting your child at home


We use the 'Times Tables Rockstars' website and paper worksheets to support your child's learning of multiplication and division facts.

Children have been given a login and this can be accessed at home and at school. Scroll to the bottom of this page to see the TT Rockstars parent guide or follow this link to watch a short video explaining the programme.

We follow the Maths No Problem! scheme for our maths lessons in school (please attend curriculum evening or see attached slides for more details). On occasion, we dip into some high quality resources from White Rose Maths. Follow this link for more details and for some FREE resources to support children at home-



Please support your child to practice their spellings at home. A spelling list will be stuck in the back of your child's reading record. Children are given time in school to practice these spellings and staff will test children individually.

We encourage you to practice in a variety of exciting ways! Sometimes read the words out loud, sometimes draw them, use fancy pens, make the trickiest parts of the words stand out, anything to help your child to remember.

Reading books can be found online-

Please support your child to read at least three times per week and record this in their reading record. Any problems accessing the site, please contact school and we can resolve and offer support.

Children LOVE their Bakewell Brilliant Books! Please enjoy them together and comment around once a week about this in your child's reading record.



For support in any other subject the BBC bitesize website offers an enormous bank of guides, videos and resources free for anyone to access. Please follow the link below and select a KS2 topic to explore.


